Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Edgar Helms Home

Dream BIG Dreams 

So often is the the end it is just your story that the beginning 
there is your story unfolding the process of living.... our paths cross with amazing people 
amazing opportunities to co-create the most delicious stories. 

I have been homeless in Mount Vernon Iowa Mainstreet USA 
for three years now.

three of the finest years of my life. 

Thanks googles of gratitude for Trude and Rick Elliott 

and all the great people of Mount Vernon who have helped me realize
the peace ...the love ...the freedom 
Paradise Utopia 

Now is the time to be innovative and creative and collaborate 
on an inspirational project of connecting with the spirit of Cornell's Elated Alumni 
and co-create a masterpeace of goodwill. 

Let the churches and schools and businesses and non profits and citizens alike 
come together to co-create the centerpeace for co-creating goodwill
around and around and around   
the world ....

The Edgar Helms Home
is the beginning and end of 
around and around and around 
Mount Vernon 

This special project is a community based project 
inspired by 

gathering around the circle gathering around the fire gathering around  people of goodwill

catherine, johnathan, joe, ann, carolyn, trude, rick, micki, grace, chuck, bill, ed, jim, junko, john, vivian, alice, sarah, janice, sam, gabe, ben, amy, charlie, lisa, cymaron, ace,....

a special home for special people in need 
with pure love all are served 
in a sacred space of 
beautiful pure perfect unconditional divine love
as the truth of love expresses oneself in the mysterious magical of 

 excepted with open arms
accepting all offers 

 is clear and bright